Literacy Specialist Job Description

Literacy Specialist Job Description

210 votes for Literacy Specialist
Literacy specialist provides policy interpretation and implementation to support and monitor the effectiveness of literacy coaching and district supports for preschool through grade 12 literacy initiatives;.

Literacy Specialist Duties & Responsibilities

To write an effective literacy specialist job description, begin by listing detailed duties, responsibilities and expectations. We have included literacy specialist job description templates that you can modify and use.

Sample responsibilities for this position include:

Achieving revenue targets in your accounts
Developing and deliver winning presentations
Developing relationships with key K-12 decision makers within your market segment (specialty areas, states, markets)
Developing relationships with key K-12 decision makers within your market
Provide overall technical guidance and oversight of directed technical assistance and capacity building, and lead all financial education initiatives
Develop and deliver FL training for BDS providers on savings, budgeting, negotiating, knowing your rights, financial management, basic business practices and skills
Develop and deliver BDS and FL training for BDS providers on savings, budgeting, negotiating, knowing your rights, financial management, basic business practices and skills
Work closely with field and HQ staff, including the Communications and Access to Finance Specialists to develop appropriate financial education content / messaging and delivery via various dissemination channels for illiterate, semi-literate and literate populations
Establish strong relationships and work closely (or establish) with informal groups (VSLAs, Savings Groups, ) to develop capacity and link women and youth to these groups to stimulate household savings, provide loan product knowledge and awareness, and improve household-level financial management
Research and provide content knowledge, resources and guidance regarding a range of effective and innovative literacy practices

Literacy Specialist Qualifications

Qualifications for a job description may include education, certification, and experience.

Licensing or Certifications for Literacy Specialist

List any licenses or certifications required by the position: ESL, GT, CPI, AED, CPR, AFC, AACPS, ESOL

Education for Literacy Specialist

Typically a job would require a certain level of education.

Employers hiring for the literacy specialist job most commonly would prefer for their future employee to have a relevant degree such as Master's and Bachelor's Degree in Education, Reading, English, Secondary Education, Teaching, Business, Special Education, Leadership, Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood

Skills for Literacy Specialist

Desired skills for literacy specialist include:

College and career readiness standards
Microsoft Office and Power Point
Human change process and adult learning theories
District curriculum
RtI process and district documentation process
Texas Assessment Program
Intervention techniques and programs to accelerate the development of math and literacy skills
Ability to utilize a variety of current technological tools for communication
Deep content and pedagogy for effective literacy instruction

Desired experience for literacy specialist includes:

Academic experience and/or training K12 literacy with proven expertise
Strong presentation and communication - verbal and written
College degree required with advance degree or specialty related training is highly desirable
Highly skilled in influencing decision makers in the area of K12 literacy
Deep knowledge and passion for learning in K12 literacy and/or humanities
Academic experience and/or training K12 literacy and/or humanities with proven expertise

Literacy Specialist Examples


Literacy Specialist Job Description

Job Description Example
Our innovative and growing company is looking to fill the role of literacy specialist. Thank you in advance for taking a look at the list of responsibilities and qualifications. We look forward to reviewing your resume.
Responsibilities for literacy specialist
  • Alert administrators to any concerns about student and teacher performance and progress
  • Collaborate with the of teachers
  • Maintain paperwork consistently, appropriately and in a timely manner
  • Provide feedback as part of the coaching cycle to pinpoint areas of progress development opportunities
  • Facilitate professional learning using adult learning methodologies to support best practices in reading and writing instruction
  • Support administrators in building content knowledge and understanding their role in the implementation process
  • Communicate regularly with project managers about the ongoing professional learning needs of the customer
  • Maintain professional relationships with customers
  • Literacy specialist reports to the Sr
  • Providing customer feedback to sales, product and mark
Qualifications for literacy specialist
  • Ability to have pointed conversations with school districts in the area of K12 literacy and/or humanities
  • Highly skilled in influencing decision makers in the area of K12 literacy and/or humanities
  • Three plus years of educational publishing sales/training
  • 3 years of teaching middle school level (5th – 8th) English Language Arts with demonstrated positive student outcomes
  • 2 years of Instructional Coaching and/or Content Specialist experience or the equivalent
  • Experience serving second language learners preferred

Literacy Specialist Job Description

Job Description Example
Our company is searching for experienced candidates for the position of literacy specialist. We appreciate you taking the time to review the list of qualifications and to apply for the position. If you don’t fill all of the qualifications, you may still be considered depending on your level of experience.
Responsibilities for literacy specialist
  • Achieving Northeast Region revenue targets
  • Achieving revenue targets as a team in the Eastern Region (Focus on Northeast)
  • Delivering Product Activation Trainings for pilot accounts
  • Coordinate and facilitate STEP/ F+P reading testing for the school and support grade level teams in creating subsequent groups for Guided Reading and Intervention
  • Train and develop Lower School Teaching Fellows in KECP Word Study curriculum, assessment and approach
  • Lead Guided Reading Intervention Groups and serve as a model for strong guided reading instruction
  • Design and lead bi-weekly Guided Reading Meetings with grades K-6 to analyze formative data and implement best instructional practices that promote reading growth
  • Provide timely and relevant feedback on Guided Reading and Word Study lesson plans
  • Observe Guided Reading lessons in order to coach prioritized teachers and formulate professional development sessions based on trends
  • Serve as the school CELDT/ELPAC Coordinator
Qualifications for literacy specialist
  • Certifications and degree in English Language Arts or Humanities
  • Five (5) years teaching experience in grades K-12 AND
  • Master's Degree in education or reading related field, or equivalent work experience
  • Ability to maintain a travel schedule and must be able and willing to travel to customer sites 65-75% of the time
  • Master's Degree (or progress toward a Degree) in education or reading related field
  • At least 2 years experience facilitating face-to-face professional learning

Literacy Specialist Job Description

Job Description Example
Our company is searching for experienced candidates for the position of literacy specialist. Thank you in advance for taking a look at the list of responsibilities and qualifications. We look forward to reviewing your resume.
Responsibilities for literacy specialist
  • Attend bi-weekly leadership team meetings and work collaboratively with other leadership team members to support and enact school wide priorities
  • Support 2-3 grade levels in proactive school culture plans and help facilitate restorative circles as needed
  • Lead the revision/development and contextualization of project-appropriate teacher training content in reading for grades 1-3
  • Contributing to the achievement of revenue targets as assigned
  • Delivering winning virtual presentations for each sales cycle which may include exhibits and conference, pre-work and issue setting workshops, meetings, campaigns, pilots, sales presentations, and program activation
  • Delivering program activation trainings for new and on-going customer accounts
  • Tutoring members of the CMU – Qatar campus community
  • Liaising with relevant faculty members, as necessary
  • Regular attendance at ARC staff meetings
  • Designing and delivering study skills workshops each semester
Qualifications for literacy specialist
  • Knowledge and experience with balanced literacy, guided reading, literacy stations, and the writing traits
  • Deep knowledge and passion for learning in K12 Humanities/Literacy
  • Academic experience and/or training K12 Humanities/Literacy with proven expertise
  • We are looking for a Literacy/Humanities Specialist who has experience teaching Literacy in the classroom within grades K-12
  • Ability to have pointed conversations with school districts in the area of K12 Humanities/Literacy
  • Highly skilled in influencing decision makers in the area of K12 Humanities/Literacy

Literacy Specialist Job Description

Job Description Example
Our company is hiring for a literacy specialist. To join our growing team, please review the list of responsibilities and qualifications.
Responsibilities for literacy specialist
  • Assisting with and mentoring Undergraduate Course Assistants
  • Notifying supervisor of needs or difficulties
  • Providing input and suggestions to improve ARC operations
  • Coordinate and facilitate the school’s literacy intervention programming
  • Lead and support the development of English-language arts curricular resources
  • Provide targeted instructional planning support to all staff members [participating in intervention programming]
  • Provide targeted professional development to all staff members regarding literacy development across curriculum/subjects
  • Schedule push-/pull-out support with English-language arts teachers for students who require literacy remediation
  • Plan, prepare, and deliver rigorous Tier 2 and Tier 3 literacy intervention classes, specifically targeting students’ reading and writing needs, and supporting English Language Learners (ELLs)
  • Execute targeted research-based literacy instruction with students
Qualifications for literacy specialist
  • A strong track record of success in literacy development
  • Impressive academic results with a similar population of urban students
  • Established habits of creative collaboration
  • Licensure qualifications
  • Minimum of 5-7 years teaching/coaching experience
  • Minimum of 2-5 years building or district leadership/administrative experience

Literacy Specialist Job Description

Job Description Example
Our company is growing rapidly and is hiring for a literacy specialist. If you are looking for an exciting place to work, please take a look at the list of qualifications below.
Responsibilities for literacy specialist
  • Coordinate and oversee testing and compliance for ELLs including LPAC and TELPAS
  • Collaborate with the Regional ESL Coordinator in compiling and updating second language acquisition procedures, program needs, data, and recommendations for the end-of-year ESL Program Evaluation report to the Board
  • Collaborate with the School Leader to build out vertically- and horizontally-aligned literacy programming
  • Coordinate and facilitate the school’s independent reading program
  • Work closely with Special Education teachers to provide learning materials, resources, and support in order to differentiate instruction in core classes
  • Other duties as assigned by School Leader and ESL Coordinator
  • Manages, develops and delivers creative library programming in an innovative environment
  • Lessons are based on library skills, social skills, and research using databases, eBooks, writing skills and exploring other cultures
  • Provide library media center resources that will meet the informational, research, educational, and recreational needs of users
  • Monitors student progress and assists students in accomplishing established learning objectives
Qualifications for literacy specialist
  • Deep knowledge and passion for learning in K12 literacy and Social Studies
  • Academic experience and/or training K12 literacy and/or Social Studies with proven expertise
  • Ability to have pointed conversations with school districts in the areas of K12 literacy and Social Studies
  • Highly skilled in influencing decision makers in the area of K12 literacy and Social Studies
  • Training in Reading Recovery or other early reading strategies
  • Significant experience in instruction of children ECE to 2nd grade in Literacy, Language Arts, and/or Reading Intervention Strategies

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